Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Another one BIT the dust

It seems that S Korea will pass from the classic school books to the tablets until 2015. It is obvious that in a few years many countries will follow. So step by step the children won't know to write by hand. No more "I love you Tommy" or "My heart is yours, Alice" written on desks or other places. By the way Living next door to Alice will be useless because the children will not have anymore the capacity to express themselves very quick and originally. Alice will be gone in wondercomputerland from now on.
Can you imagine how funny will be when these guys won't use the tablets because let's say will not have power? Or, they will make a draw for the love one on the tablet. :)
I do not say that we have to stick to the past, but hand writing is something that defines us. Our hand writing is like our fingerprint. It is unique. This will cancel more and more our personality, our individuality.
What to say about the calligraphy? It is history now, along with the pencils, pens, ink and the blotting paper.
All in all Alice is in the computerland and she writes very nice...on her tablet.

BIT by BIT a certain fact is true...

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