Thursday, July 7, 2011

In death talks

Today I read an article in Washington Post about the negociations between Obama, democrats and the republicans regarding the deficit. The debts will be smaller by cutting the Social Security, Medicaid and Medicover funds. This is not a single situation in the world. Political leaders every time that have to operate some cuts look at social security, health and education. Instead in the US and other countries from the democratic and civilized world there are significant cuts of taxes for corporations, private jets and so on.
Politicians lose contact more and more with their citizens and forget one important thing: they are there because citizens empowered them to represent their interests, so they are simply citizens' servants and more of that they are paid by them
I am stupid but I am wondering, wouldn't be smarter to cut military funds, bureaucracy, not to fill the bank pockets because they done bad business, implement cuts for small companies and for those with less incomes and to provide some laws (because they are sent there for this) to watch closer stock markets and especially all derivative stock exchange products? Because these have limited projection in the real economy. Also increase taxes for luxury products.
If we say that we are the civilized world let's act like this. Every citizen has to have a minimum of care. So provide him or her the means to have food, shelter, education, culture and health and give them the opportunity to work, to express their qualities. Who wants more very good encourage them. These are minimum things to have to act and live in a civilized environment. Who has achieved legally a fortune, good for him/her. This persons should be celebrated. But also they should pay for luxury if they want it. Everyone can live without jewelry, private planes or yachts. If you desire these pay my friend.
This is beyond political doctrines, political parties, theories and so on. This is common sens. This is civilization.

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